Navigating the Festive Season: Balancing Health and Enjoyment

Dr V at 9 months old :)

Growing up in a household that oscillated between health consciousness and alcohol-fueled indulgence, my relationship with alcohol has been interesting.

With a high-functioning alcoholic father and genius doctor now with over 15 years of sobriety under his belt and a mother who owned and operated a chain of health food and supplement stores and also enjoyed nightly wine, I inherited a complex history with substances.

Despite quitting drinking in 2018 and witnessing significant improvements in my life, I recognize that others may choose to enjoy alcohol responsibly.

If that’s you, have one for me and enjoy my top tips and insights based on my experience!

1. Choose your poison wisely :

Opt for clear spirits like vodka, gin, and white rum, known for having fewer congeners contributing to hangovers.

Stay hydrated by drinking water between alcoholic beverages to counteract dehydration. Lighter-colored wines and high-quality alcohol may lead to milder hangover symptoms. Avoid sugary mixers, as they can intensify the load on your liver.

A top-quality triple-distilled vodka with club soda, supplemented with lemon/lime to support liver detoxification, was always my favorite drink to maximize enjoyment while minimizing the next-day discomfort.

Electrolytes are also crucial, as alcohol can induce a state of cellular dehydration.  An electrolyte supplement like Quinton/LMNT before and after alcohol consumption is recommended. 


Mix half a lemon's juice with ¼ tsp sea or Celtic salt and 2 tsp raw honest in 2 cups of water and sip the next day.

2. Circadian drinking 

Consider consuming alcohol earlier in the day, ideally during daylight hours, to mitigate sleep disruption, a common issue associated with alcohol. Drinking close to bedtime can result in disrupted sleep patterns and heightened wakefulness as alcohol wears off. If post-dinner drinking is unavoidable, keeping bentonite clay capsules or activated charcoal caps by your bed may help bind acetaldehyde and reduce disturbances. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can aid recovery even after a late night.

If you have a late night, as counterintuitive as it seems, it’s best to still get up at your regular waking time and get some morning light into your eyes (even if it means just lounging on the porch or sitting near a bright window half asleep with a cup of coffee!).

If you sleep in and miss the morning, your body will suffer more physiologically, and your recovery will take longer. 

Alcohol intake causes transient leaky gut or intestinal hyperpermeability, which contributes to neuroinflammation.   This can result in food and other allergies, headaches, brain fog, depression/anxiety, and chronically a predisposition to autoimmunity and neurodegenerative disease.  Circadian disruption on its own also contributes to intestinal hyperpermeability, so combining alcohol intake with an irregular sleep/wake cycle is a recipe for ill health.

Taking 1-5g of L glutamine can also be highly supportive. The amino acid L glutamine helps support the lining of the gut. It supports the synthesis of glutathione- one of the most important endogenous antioxidants that helps us clear alcohol and acetaldehyde from the system.

Inflammation in the gut travels to the brain causing neuroinflammation (headaches, brain fog, insomnia, depression/anxiety)

3. Supplements:

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is depleted with stress and alcohol intake. Magnesium is a cofactor for over 400 enzymes in the body and supports hormone production, energy, and detoxification.  Forms like Magnesium Glycinate (300-500mg before bed) or Magnesium Thrronate (1500-200mg), Which can cross the blood-brain barrier, are highly beneficial for anyone under stress or consuming alcohol. 

B complex vitamins are essential for energy production, hormone, and neurotransmitter synthesis. B vitamins are also depleted with stress and are used to metabolize alcohol.  Look for active or methylated forms(Pyridoxly-5-phosphate as vitamin B6, Methylcobalamin and methyl folate etc).

Mitochondrial support - Anything that supports your mitochondrial function will aid detoxification, metabolism, and recovery from alcohol.  Ubiquinol (or MItoQ)  forms of COq10 (50-300mg), NAD precursors, and PQQ will all be beneficial during the Silly Season! 

4. Liver Support 

The phytonutrient Dihydromyricetin (DHM) has explicitly been studied to support enzymes that metabolize alcohol and reduce hangovers, helping you eliminate alcohol more quickly.
DHM also reduces inflammation and reduces fatty accumulation in the liver.

Alcohol Defense from Nootropics Depot is my favorite. 

Milk Thistle has been used for decades and has a large body of evidence to support its safety and efficacy for various illnesses, including liver damage. It can protect and regenerate liver cells while being a potent anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventative botanical.  Look for a product standardized to 80% silymarin.  Milk thistle is best taken for at least 2-4 weeks during or after alcohol consumption or can be taken long-term for those with chronic health concerns.

Sulforaphane/Broccoli Spouts/microgreens.  As a supplement or dietary inclusion from brassica microgreens or sprouts, Sulforaphane is one of my favorite well-researched plant compounds to promote health.  Sulforaphane can upregulate detoxification and antioxidant production genes (via the nrf2 pathway) while regulating inflammation via nfkB.

Sulforaphane can help clear alcohol, help you metabolize estrogen (chronic alcohol intake increases estrogen), protect against cancer, improve the gut microbiome, and prevent neuroinflammation.  Try to consume 40g broccoli microgreens or take a research-based broccoli sprout extract like

Anti-inflammatories like curcumin, ginger, and quercetin are also highly beneficial. If you feel rough after a big night, have a cup of tea with chopped ginger/turmeric powder, lemon, and honey.

In conclusion, navigating the festive season with alcohol involves mindful choices and comprehensive support. These tips aim to enhance the enjoyment of alcohol while minimizing potential adverse effects and come from my own experience of what works well.

Always prioritize moderation and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice. Here's to a festive season filled with mindful choices, well-being, and celebration!


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