My Philosophy on Health and Wellbeing …..

  • We Can't Get Healthy in an Environment That Made us Sick

    Well-being is a complex interplay of various factors. Our physical surroundings, dietary choices, lifestyle, and relationships substantially influence the emergence of chronic diseases. Merely relying on medication or treatment is insufficient for achieving true health; a thorough examination of the contributory factors in our lives is essential. While genetics may play a minor part, our environment is the decisive factor in determining our health or illness.

  • Breaking Natures Laws WIll Equate to Chronic Disease

    As we entered the 20th century, a seismic shift occurred in our way of life—from predominantly outdoor and agrarian to largely indoor existence. This transition severed our connection to the seasonal nuances of local diets and the natural rhythms of light and darkness that have molded our evolution. Our physiology lags behind this radical environmental transformation, yet we arrogantly believe that, as human animals, we can disregard the laws of nature and still maintain good health.

  • Health is More Than the Absence of Physical Symptoms

    A vibrant, healthy individual finds inspiration in life, steering clear of incessant distractions or addictions. Despite a packed schedule, there's a profound sense of balance and purpose. Optimal physical, mitochondrial, and brain health bestows a sense of empowerment coupled with a sobering awareness of life's brevity. Reflecting on my experiences with patients at life's twilight years, a recurring sentiment emerges: regret over excessive work and a yearning for having prioritizing passions instead.

I Believe in Addressing the Root Cause of Disease and Dysfunction..

While I don't dismiss the thoughtful use of drugs, surgery, supplements, or herbs to alleviate discomfort, my approach centers on bolstering the body by identifying and tackling the root causes of disease and dysfunction.

It's crucial to recognize that without understanding the messages our bodies convey through pain or troubling symptoms, we risk overlooking or exacerbating more severe, long-term issues. The same symptom in different individuals often arises from distinct pathological processes.

I see myself as a health detective, always striving to grasp WHY something is happening before delving into WHAT can be done to address it.

Consider the case of using herbal or prescription sleeping pills for insomnia.

Sleep disorders can originate from hormonal imbalances, sleep apnea, iron deficiency, inadequate light during the day, excessive nighttime light exposure, neuroinflammation, stress, and other factors.

Without understanding WHY someone struggles with sleep, we might prescribe inappropriate or suppressive treatments, potentially causing harm.

Working with me; a truely wholistic approach…

The body operates as an electrical and unified system, with every organ and area intricately linked.

The outdated notion of treating one part in isolation, divorced from the rest, has proven harmful to patients.

Our gut health, a linchpin in immune function, ripples its influence through the brain and nervous system. The light on our skin orchestrates hormone levels and mood, steering processes vital for digestion, detoxification, immune function, and cellular regeneration.

Environmental exposure to nutrients, toxins, or a lack of natural light, which fuels mitochondrial energy production, impacts the efficiency of every cell in the body. Any disruption to energy production or induction of chronic inflammation elevates the risk of ALL chronic diseases, spanning from obesity to depression and cancer.

In my work with clients, whether addressing specific conditions or striving for disease prevention and optimal health, I systematically consider core areas of health and their intricate interplay. The sequence is personalized based on the individual, optimizing foundational elements like circadian biology, sleep, and stress. As we progress, we delve into more nuanced aspects of biology—areas often showing improvement as foundational elements are reinforced. This holistic approach recognizes that the body is a seamlessly connected entity.