What is a Personalized Health Blueprint? 

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Maybe you take aspirin for your joint pain

Statins for your high cholesterol

Celexa for your depression

Then you became a biohacker or visited a naturopath, health coach or nutrionist and realized that these medications may be causing more harm than good so you started taking…

Turmeric for your joint pain

Niacin for your high cholesterol

5HTP or Tryptophan for your depression

Interestingly this is the same system of standard-treat the symptoms mentality, with slightly different tools. 

This is not personalized healthcare and does not address the root cause of your symptoms.

Find Out Why

At N=1 we ask WHY.  Why do you have high cholesterol, joint pain and depression? Is there a  genetic component, stress, hormonal imbalance, microbes in your gut underlying this clinical picture?  Through continuing to ask WHY we can begin to unravel seemingly isolated complaints and see the big picture.  When we see the individual as a whole, and realize how each system in the body interacts we can begin to unravel the underlying factors that contribute to disease or compromised function at a core level.  Only then can we begin to address these factors in a systematic way so that we are not simply trading one imbalance or problem for another.

AT N=1 we begin our investigative process by getting to know what makes you unique.  From past medical history and your diet to the environment you grew up in, we want to know what makes you YOU and what may have contributed to you not feeling your best.  We then dive deeply into your health through lab assessments, biometric data collection and genetic testing.  I will assess your physical environment looking at factors such as electromagnetic fields, light environment, air and water quality.  We also look into mindset, as we know how profoundly our thoughts activate our stress response and contribute to illness or lack thereof. Once we have gathered all of the relevant information, we then can begin to formulate your Personalized Health Blueprint.  

Healing from the Ground Up

A Personalised Health Blueprint consists of mapping out the areas you want to work on and connecting them to the organ systems and areas of your life that most need support; working from the ground up.  We empower you through education to understand how to support your health through fine tuning your internal system, mindset and external environment.  You will be provided with highly personalized solutions and treatment regimes spanning lifestyle interventions, dietary changes, supplemental protocols, biohacking tools and techniques and much more.  

Over the course of one of our programs we will address 10 foundational areas that require attention irregardless of where you start. Through correcting imbalances and root cases revealed through our investigative process, biometric data and functional labs we can not only resolve chronic nagging symptoms like fatigue, low libido, brain fog or insomnia, but can optimize your health and resilience so you can be your best self.

In order for this process to work, you need to have a specific personality type,  be willing to upgrade aspects of your environment and lifestyle and have laboratory assessments done. You also need to be an action taker who can implement simple, step-by-step strategies.

If this is something you’re interested in, I invite you to book your complimentary Biohacker Discovery call. We will send you a Biohacker goals assessment form, tell you more about our process, and if it feels like a good fit we invite you to book a full Health Investigation Consult. 


Lets Do This!


Dr V.


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