How to Pick a Program

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At N=1 we have three programs to meet the needs of highly driven, motivated, accountable and health conscious individuals looking to optimize their energy, increase performance, fine tune sleep, banish brain fog, improve hormonal imbalances and sex drive.

Our offers are tailor made for those who want to cut through all of the conflicting information online and understand which biohacks and interventions are best suited to your unique biochemistry, genetic signature, metabolism and personality. The type of people we work best with are those with an attitude of personal responsibility and willingness to invest in functional testing and assessment as well as make changes to their lifestyle, mindsets, physical environment and diet.

We generally work one-to-one with clients for a period of 3-12 months, depending on your needs.  We find that for most of our clients it takes a period of a few months to assess patterns, collect data, make changes and see the body come back into balance 

Our programs begin with a short Discovery Call to assess if we can help you and to determine if you are a great fit for our programs. 

We then move on to our signature Precision Health Initial Investigation.  

During this process:

  1. We begin with a series of in-depth questionnaires and interview processes to get an understanding of what makes you unique.  We investigate potential underlying causes of your dysfunction or the factors that could be holding you back from thriving. 

  2. We determine you exact metabolic, genetic and nutritional needs using comprehensive bloodwork and functional labs to remove guesswork around which therapies and biohacks will give you the most benefit and help you reach your health goals fastest. 

  3. We help you to clarify your health goals and decide upon objective metrics to track progress and test if changes we implement are working.  We recommend the best wearables to meet your needs.

  4. We work to fine tune your environment to support your health.. We show you how you can test and mitigate environmental factors such as light, air, water, electromagnetic radiation and soundscape.  We help you prioritize which tools and gadgets would be most important and give you the best bang for your buck. From Berkey water filters, Joov lights, Clearlight Saunas and navigating the confusing world of EMF meters, we can offer unbiased expert advice on where to start.

  5. We Introduce you to our Natures Vaccine process which realigns us with the cycles of nature. This framework introduces 7 concepts and implementable strategies to optimize mitochondrial function, support immunity, stimulate vagal tone and reduce stress. 

 After the Precision Health Investigation you are invited to join  our programs.  If you choose to commit: 

  1. We then compile all of your information from our investigative process and advanced testing, and create a Comprehensive Health Blueprint.  We liaise with our compounding lab to then create your very own custom vitamin formula based on your exact needs.  We recommend supplements and nootropics only after foundational work has been done and use them for fixed periods of time for specific purposes. 

  2. We setup your personal health dashboard so you're able to login and view your wearable data, lab test results and track how interventions and your lifestyle habits are impacting your stress response, sleep and much more. We ut the power of data at your fingertips to help you optimize your health. 

  3. We then work step by step through your body’s systems to address the root cause of dysfunction or fine tune areas that may need support. We do this in a very specific order as each step builds upon the one before. 

For example when i'm working with someone to address brain fog, we don't jump straight to nootropics.  We first systematically work through optimizing our circadian rhythm, sleep and stress response, so that cortisol stops irritating memory centers of the brain. We then work to fix the gut and optimize digestion in order to remove potential sources of inflammation zapping brain function and improve neurotransmitter production. We fine tune your diet and movement to improve your nutrient status, blood flow and oxygen delivery to your brain.  Then we typically move on the addressing thyroid function. When we work in this systematic way we often find that results build and many don't even need the icing on the cake that say a nootropic may provide. 

Your Health Blueprint will serve as your personalized health strategy to help you become the best version of yourself, resolve health concerns and prevent chronic illness. You will feel empowered  and have a renewed sense of clarity and ownership around your health. You'll gain lifelong knowledge and skills on how to address minor symptoms, understand testing and stay healthy. 

How to Pick a program

Our ALIGN  program is our one off package, where you are encouraged to book at your leisure. There is no monthly fee, and you simply pay per appointment, when you want it.  At the Align Level we provide you with a professional supplement plan, functional testing and assessment, nutritional guidelines and environmental support. We recommend professional level nutritional supplements and you are welcome to email the practice if you need support. 

ALIGN is perfect for those more interested in functional and integrative health care, but less interested in biohacking,  as it does not include monitoring of biometric data from wearables or dashboard set up. 

Our EVOLVE AND TRANSFORM plans differ primarily in the amount of support we offer at each level. 

In our EVOLVE program we review your health dashboard metrics monthly and meet quarterly. We set up your personal health dashboard pulling in real time data from your wearables and reach out to you if anything is starting to look off.

Each Quarter we retest, revise and further optimize your personalised health blueprint. We also formulate and update your own personalized supplements compounded for you every quarter. This program give you direct email access to Dr V, meaning you are welcome to ask about new health tech, get clarification and ask any questions pertaining to health or biohacking.   

Our EVOLVE program is perfect for those fairly confident with Biohacking, who do not have significant health concerns and are more interested in health optimization and prevention.  You will have 24/7 access to analyse your own health data and are invited to try what works and doesn't based on your daily score.

In our TRANSFORM program we touch base with you weekly regarding your dashboard metrics, and meet monthly. Every month we review and update your personal supplement formula and review your Health Blueprint to reflect changes and address new concerns. You will have direct messenger and text access to Dr V, to ask questions and have your concerns addressed almost immediately. 

We are looking to work with clients: 

  • Who are motivated to make the necessary changes to reach their health goals 

  • Be willing to invest in laboratory testing and assessments

  • Be driven, accountable and coachable

Be ready to step up and make the necessary changes to be the best version of yourself


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