Introduction to Natures Vaccine

Watching the sunrise is key to health ;)

Watching the sunrise is key to health ;)

By harnessing the foundations of health and optimising our body’s ability to maintain homeostasis, we can then begin to tap into our  own extraordinary internal Chemical Factory and tip the scales to create states of ecstatic bliss or deep rest on demand and in any situation. 

In order to truly flourish we first need to create a safe place of balance in our body.   Homeostasis is a term we use to describe a healthy body’s ability to maintain balance. 

Health is homeostasis - when we can no longer maintain balance we get sick.

Consider the simple example of balance-breakdown that occurs in people with high blood pressure.   Normally the body regulates blood pressure, increasing urination when the pressure in the system gets too high and pumping out hormones to boost pressure if it gets too low.  With stress, poor diet, inflammation and disconnection from nature the homeostatic mechanism to control blood pressure in the body become overloaded and we see the number on the cuff increasing every year. 

Homeostasis in the body is achieved through many mechanisms and is absolutely crucial for our survival.  A great example is the Ph of our blood. Despite marketing claims from companies that sell alkaline water and supplements our body NEVER allows our blood Ph to go beyond about 7.34-7.45. If it did, we would die. 

One of the primary systems to achieve balance in the body is the Endocannabinoid system. This 600 million year old system was only discovered 30 years ago. The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, helps to balance our stress response, pain levels, brain development, memory and appetite as well as the immune and nervous systems. All of our life-enhancing immunity-building de-stressors, activate the ECS to help keep us in balance while  supporting the natural self regulatory functions of the body.

Once you have learned how to support your health, then we can learn to become much better CEO’s of our internal chemical factories and get high on our own supply! 

Our “internal chemical factory” is made up of not only our endocannabinoid system but also our natural opioids and endorphins as well as our sex, adrenal, and thyroid hormones. 

Our Collective Challenge 

Our modern world and artificial existence takes control of our homeostatic mechanisms and our internal Chemical Factory to create addictions, dis-ease and depression.

We are continuously tempted by marketing of foods that hijack our brain chemistry to crave more of them and leave us feeling foggy and fatigued.  Our addiction to technology burns out our dopamine levels so we no longer crave anything but facebook likes and we feel lack of motivation and depression in our daily lives.  Our indoor lifestyle robs us of the natural serotonin boosting-antidepressant activity, immune boosting Vitamin D and blood pressure lowering nitric oxide from sunlight. Poor air quality from living in cities or mouldy homes causes neuroinflammation which may manifest as behavioural disorders in kids and anxiety or dementia in adults.  Reliance on modern medicine and antibiotics while ignoring immune function has led to superbugs. Pesticide residues and plastics disrupt our hormone levels, messing up our body’s natural ability to self regulate and constant stress levels burnt us out, leaving us irritable, fatigued and not able to feel excitement in our lives. 

Through beginning to understand how our neurochemistry has been taken over by our modern world we can easily begin to see a way forward.  By understanding how our daily behaviour and lifestyle habits affect the various chemical and hormonal systems in the body we can then become much better CEO’s of our internal chemical factories and maintain resilience in the face of challenges. 

If we wish to create flourishing health we need to realise how our past way of being, eating and thinking has resulted in a body, mind and planet completely out of balance and take daily steps to reconnect with ourselves and the natural world.

Life Enhancing immunity-building de-stressors, activate our internal chemcial factories to help keep us in balance.

Balance=thriving health

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The Natures Vaccine Prescription teaches you how to use, ulilize and dial these life enhancing activities, immunity boosting and de-stressing foundations of health and includes:

  1. Breathing/breathwork

  2. Light environment

  3. Food and Fasting

  4. Water

  5. Hot and Cold

  6. Meditation

  7. Mindfulness

  8. Gratitude

  9. Intimacy 

  10. Sex and Orgasm 

  11. Purpose

  12. Novelty & fun

  13. Movement

  14. Sleep

  15. Connection/Community

  16. Time in nature

  17. Silence and music 

  18. Unique Personal Expression

  19. Service

  20. Self exploration of consciousness through exogenous tools (optional) 

 Disclaimer: It is my personal belief that sovereignty over our own consciousness is a basic human right. That being said i do not discourage personal exploration of consciousness using exogenous tools (such as psychedelics, nootropics or cannabis). I do however believe that until we realize we have all the tools within and also do the work to attain non-ordinary states of consciousness through dedicated practices such as breath-work and meditation we cannot incorporate these tools in a fully meaningful and healthy way.  We may even open the doors to dependance.  I see this often with my biohacking clients who come to me with many health concerns who have engaged in regular ceremonies or sessions with psychedelics but have not done the prerequisite or post integration work to optimise body and mind.


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