Why N=1?

N=1 - An experiment of YOU

We strongly believe in personalized healthcare and that every individual is unique. In medical research, N represents the number of patients in a study. Under the scientific method, study populations are typically based on a diagnosis or symptom, while often disregarding the reason the symptom or condition arose. They traditionally do not take into account lifestyle, physiological, and biochemical factors of the individual, and were designed to test pharmaceuticals which alter biochemical pathways but does not necessarily improve quality of life.

Applying the results of large studies to individuals often yields very different results than expected.

Under the N=1 model, we aim to support the individual, in order to improve health and help our clients reach their human performance goals. We examine the research while taking into account you as a person.

We examine your personal stressors, lifestyle factors, physical environment, genetics, psychology, and unique biochemistry to provide tailored wellness plans that suit your needs. Our in-depth discovery process allows us to identify factors which may be preventing you from reaching your goals alone. We combine this with a biohacking philosophy so you can set goals and use technology to track your progress, all while being supported by a team who understand you.

As we address underlying causes we often find that helping clients with one goal improve other areas of their health.

We work primarily with entreprenuers as we understand the distinctive lifestyle and stressors that those riding the entreprenurial roller coaster face.


Introduction to Natures Vaccine


What is Integrative and Functional Medicine?